Dora Koreny

Painter, Coder, Doctor

By education, I am a doctor medicine; however, after spending several years in healthcare, I transitioned into the world of software development. Following a software development training program, I found my new vocation in the field of healthcare software development. Nevertheless, art has always been an integral part of my life. In 2018, I launched my own business under the name Dora Koreny Paintings. Over the past few years, I have created more than 400 paintings, participated in several solo exhibitions, illustrated children's books, and shipped my works to over 15 countries worldwide.

"Generally, my creations are often inspired by a mood or a color, with nature being my primary source of inspiration. My artworks include birds and trees, but I also enjoy experimenting with various techniques and exploring new themes. Currently, I predominantly work with watercolor because it allows me to create art while spending time with my family."